of Firefighters
About Us

The Milwaukee Brotherhood of Firefighters is a fraternal organization that consist of male and female, current and retired members from the Milwaukee Fire Department. Members come from all ranks fire fighter through chief.
Currently the president is H.E.O. Tony Jones Jr. and vice president Cpt. Joshua Parish.
The Milwaukee Brotherhood of Fighters is a community based non-profit organization that focuses on recruiting, training individuals to become firefighters ,and fire education to build a safer Milwaukee.
We foster community involvement and mentoring programs.The Milwaukee Brotherhood of Firefighters partners with the Milwaukee Health Department , Milwaukee Public Schools and local churches as mentors, sponsoring , fire safety fairs and emergency medical services for civic events.
The Milwaukee Brotherhood of Firefighters urban health and safety outreach focuses on educating the public about several safe neighborhood initiatives such as;
Safe Sleep Initiative (for infants). Train parents on the dangers of co-sleeping.​
Stop Fire (safe cooking). Educate / train seniors and teens on the dangers of inattentive cooking. IABPFF
No Child left Alone (focuses on the perils of leaving children home alone.) IABPFF
Infant/Child Safety Seat Program. ( Host saftey seat checks with Safe Kids Wisconsin.) .
Bring your " A : Game ( A program that focuses on bringing your A Game in everything you do ,and pledging not to become part of the criminal justice system.) This program targets Afican American 12 -18 years old.
​In addition to community service we offer The Milwaukee Brotherhood of Firefighters College Scholarship Program which grants a minimum of four scholarships a year to deserving freshmen entering into the field of Fire Science.
For more information on how to participate or volunteer with a particular program conact us at